1. For me it is essential that children are given as many opportunities as possible to just write and let their thoughts and ideas out. “Through writing, students engage in critical thinking and analysis...as well as learn to manipulate written language and symbols”(pg.47, Book Club Plus!). It is essential that children are deeply involved in writing, given opportunities to share their texts, and realize that they are authors (Lucy Calkins). It is essential that children know that all writers write differently and writing is a time to let your thoughts be known. It is a time to reflect upon what is being learned.
2. Since day one my mentor teacher and I have been having our students write. At first they didn’t want to, but now, 15 days into school, they want to and a lot don’t want to stop! It is hard for first graders to write because they don’t know how to spell very well and a lot seem to have a hard time thinking of things to write about, but that is something we are currently working on. The students in my first grade classroom are given opportunities daily to write and encouraged to write whenever possible. Writing is always an option especially during “choice time” which is their free time. The main thing we have in our classroom for writing is Writers Workshop which we do everyday. Students are given the opportunity to draw a picture and write about their picture. I am sure it is going to get more depth but we just finished launching it. We also have a writers table in our room which contains envelopes, an assortment of paper, stickers, and writing utensils. Students get to use this station during choice time and two kids get to sit there during Writers Workshop. They seem to really like it. They get to sit on pillows! I believe that students are beginning to engage more deeply in their writing and realizing that they can write about anything. We are also working on adding details to our writing!
3. M.M. is quite the writer! She has an extraordinary imagination, and really excels in reading. She told my mentor teacher and I that she likes to read because reading takes her on adventures. I believe that her reading level correlates with her writing level. Her writing is quite detailed and her spelling is pretty good for a first grader. During writers workshop I noticed M.M. spends a lot of time on her picture rather than her writing which causes her not to finish. This really frustrates her and she will sometime cry and get upset about it. The kids are always given opportunities throughout the day to finish though. M.M. doesn’t realize that. This is the main thing she struggles with. During writers workshop I always circulate the room and help students or just ask students questions about their picture and what they have written. M.M. needs to be encouraged to write and spend less time on her picture because she can always go back and add more detail to her picture. She is also quite the artist. M.M. has the potential to really excel in her writing just like her reading. I think it is important that she is constantly encouraged to add more detail to her writing rather than her picture. Her imagination is really reflected in her writing.
so neat